A simple idea that started a global movement. Our most popular pledge, the 🔸10% Pledge, is a public commitment to give at least 10% of income to the organisations you believe can most effectively use it to improve the lives of others.
A lot of reasons, but many simply realised:
If you earn at least 47,000 USD (post tax) per year, you are in the richest 2% globally.
Ten percent seems like a lot until you realise that in most cases, you’ll still be in the top richest income percentile even after donating it!
You can have 100x more impact by donating to the most effective charities (seriously, 100x!)
Ten percent seems like a lot until you realise just how much it can help others in the right hands.
If everyone stepped up in this way, we could legitimately reshape the world.
Ten percent seems like a lot until you realise you’re not alone, and together – we can do incredible things.
In just two years, we could use the 3.6 trillion dollars to:
$258 B
End extreme poverty for at least a year
$297 B
Build the systems we need to prevent pandemics
$662 B
2x all clean energy R&D funding
$6 B
4x philanthropic funding for nuclear security
$1.5 B
Dramatically increase funding for AI safety
$1.22 T
Clean water & sanitation for all
$341 B
End hunger & malnutrition
$175 B
Dramatically expand access to reproductive care
$219 B
Massively suppress malaria, tuberculosis and HIV
$53 B
Massively suppress or eradicate most NTDs
$222 B
Halve factory farming
If you live in a wealthy country, you might not realize just how wealthy you are. Most people living in wealthy countries (US, UK, AUS, etc.) are in the top 5% of income earners worldwide even after accounting for increased purchasing power in lower-income countries. Learn more
We're changing the norms around charitable giving. By publicly committing to dedicate a portion of your resources to help others, you'll inspire more people to do the same.
🔸10% Pledgers
Join 9,652 others who have pledged
Take the PledgeThe 🔸10% Pledge is a public commitment to give a percentage of your income or wealth to organisations that can most effectively help others.
If you’re not ready to fully commit, you can try our 🔹Trial Pledge which allows you to trying giving any percentage for a custom duration — you decide!
Why 10% of income?
What do we mean by “effective”?
What if I’m a student? What if I’m not earning income?
What is “wealth” and how can I include it in my pledge?
Is a giving pledge legally binding?
Why give publicly?
Why am I seeing the small orange diamond emoji on social media?
Not all charities are equal. Your choice of where to donate can lead to significant differences in impact. Some charities can easily do 100 times more good with your dollar than others, and often this multiplier is even greater. Giving around $200 USD per month to the charities recommended by GiveWell, for example, could save someone's life every two years.
What charities can I give to? You can give to any charities you sincerely believe are the most effective at using their resources to improve the world. However, since charities vary dramatically in how much good they do per dollar, we recommend checking out our giving guides when deciding where to give.
Unsure what to pick? Check out our pledge recommendation tool.
of income
of income
Your company can have a tremendous impact by pledging a percentage of profits to highly-effective charities. Some of our proud company pledgers are highlighted below; join them to set an example for others! Drop us a line to learn more and get started.
of profits
Initiated by Giving What We Can in 2009 (as the “Giving What We Can Pledge”), the 🔸10% Pledge is now a widespread way to effect change. Take it here at Giving What We Can or through any of the organisations below.
Let's address your questions
Step 1 of 2
Longview Philanthropy estimates that if just the top 1% of income earners gave 10%, this would yield an additional $1.8 - $2.2 trillion yearly. So let's take the conservative estimate ($1.8 trillion per year) and see what we could accomplish in just two years.
GiveWell recommends charities working in global health that "save or improve lives the most per dollar." They estimate that around $5000 USD given to one of their top charities is enough to concretely save a life. If we divide that number by 24 (number of months in two years), we get $208 USD.
Note that this specific calculation only applies to GiveWell recommended charities; at Giving What We Can, we rely on the research of other impact-focused charity evaluators in addition to GiveWell when determining which charities to recommend, and —while we can't provide a "cost to save a life" estimate for all of them — we believe the charities we recommend to be among the most impactful giving options.