Top recommended charities by EAHK

Global health recommendations

Malaria Consortium — Seasonal malaria chemoprevention programme
Malaria Consortium

Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention

The Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention program protects children from malaria by distributing preventative medication at times of high transmission.

Against Malaria Foundation
Against Malaria Foundation

Bednets To Prevent Malaria

AMF's bed net programs protect people from malaria by distributing and ensuring the use of long-lasting insecticidal bednets in regions with the highest burden of malaria cases.

Helen Keller Intl— Vitamin A supplementation programme
Helen Keller International

Vitamin A Supplementation

HKI's Vitamin A Supplementation program Improves child health and survival rates by partnering with governments across Africa to deliver lifesaving vitamin A supplements and complementary activities to millions of children annually.

New Incentives
New Incentives

Childhood Immunisation Incentives

New Incentives improves childhood immunization rates in Nigeria by providing cash incentives to caregivers.

Evidence Action: Deworm the World
Evidence Action

Deworm the World Initiative

Deworm the World prevents parasite related illnesses in children by collaborating with governments to run cost-effective deworming treatment programs.

GiveWell: Top Charities Fund
Top Charities Fund

by GiveWell

The Top Charities Fund improves global wellbeing by supporting the highest-priority funding needs among GiveWell's Top Charities, which are evidence-backed, high-impact, and highly cost-effective opportunities to save and improve the lives of people living in low- and lower-middle-income countries.


Animal welfare recommendations

The Humane League (Corporate campaign programs)
The Humane League

Corporate Animal Welfare Campaigns

THL's corporate campaign programs promote farmed animal welfare through industry pressure and advocacy


Animal Welfare Research

Faunalytics strengthens animal advocacy by providing animal advocates with important research and strategies that improve their effectiveness in saving lives. It conducts original research, offers direct research support to advocates/advocacy orgs, and maintains the largest database of animal advocacy research.

Good Food Institute
Good Food Institute

Alternative Protein Field Building

The Good Food Institute accelerates the transition of the world’s food system toward alternative proteins by developing and promoting plant- and cell-based alternatives to animal products.

Animal Charity Evaluators: Recommended Charity Fund
Recommended Charity Fund

by Animal Charity Evaluators

The Recommended Charity Fund aims to improve the wellbeing of animals globally by supporting organisations ACE has rigorously evaluated and believes to be highly-impactful.


EA Hong Kong’s Top Recommendations

Effective altruism is the global community and research field growing around the idea that if it’s good to make an impact, it’s even better to make as large an impact as possible. The problem is that there are limited resources, but unlimited causes of suffering. So effective altruism researches how best to use the resources, and takes action. It’s a combination of both compassion and rationality.

When you choose one charity, there is an opportunity cost. When you give your money to one charity, you lose the opportunity to give that money to another charity. Since the difference in impact between the most and least cost-effective interventions can be more than a thousand-fold — in many cases ignoring cost-effectiveness in global health means losing almost all the value that we could create — there is thus a moral imperative to fund the most cost-effective interventions.

People who want to do good invariably start from a place of compassion and caring about the suffering of others and tragedies that happen around them and around the world. And it’s because we want to make sure we do as much good as possible that rationality is needed to help overcome cognitive biases and evaluate different actions objectively. So one way to think about it is that the heart is the engine, and the head provides the steering.

At EA Hong Kong, we have picked out the charities and organisations that we believe can do the most good under different cause areas. We have partnered with Giving What We Can to direct donations to these charities through this page. This list is continually being updated based on the latest available research.