High Impact Athletes' Top Recommendations

Global Health & Poverty Recommendations

HIA’s global health and poverty recommendations focus on saving or improving as many human lives as possible per dollar donated. Spread your giving across multiple charities listed below by donating to HIA's Global Health & Poverty portfolio.

Animal Welfare Recommendations

HIA’s Animal Welfare recommendations focus on the industrial animal agriculture industry. Spread your giving across multiple charities listed below by donating to HIA's Animal Welfare portfolio.

Climate Change Recommendations

HIA’s climate change recommendations focus on what it believes to be the most effective and ambitious climate initiatives. Spread your giving across multiple charities listed below by donating to HIA's Environmental portfolio.

High Impact Athletes exists to turn the sporting sector into a force for good. The organisation believes that the generosity and social influence of elite athletes can create a groundswell of world-changing impact.

Results matter. High Impact Athletes supports "the most optimised charities in the world so that your giving can be 10’s, 100’s or even 1000’s of times more impactful than the average." When you give through HIA, you aren’t just making a donation; you’re making an impact.

You can learn more about HIA, as well as its four giving portfolios, here.