High Impact Athletes' Top Recommendations

Global Health & Poverty Recommendations

HIA’s global health and poverty recommendations focus on saving or improving as many human lives as possible per dollar donated. Spread your giving across multiple charities listed below by donating to HIA's Global Health & Poverty portfolio.

High Impact Athletes’ Global Health & Poverty Portfolio
Global Health and Poverty Portfolio

by High Impact Athletes

HIA's Global Health and Poverty Portfolio seeks to improve human lives and alleviate poverty by allocating donations to carefully selected, cost-effective charities, as recommended by High Impact Athletes' expert advisors.

Against Malaria Foundation
Against Malaria Foundation

Bednets To Prevent Malaria

AMF's bed net programs protect people from malaria by distributing and ensuring the use of long-lasting insecticidal bednets in regions with the highest burden of malaria cases.

Evidence Action: Deworm the World
Evidence Action

Deworm the World Initiative

Deworm the World prevents parasite related illnesses in children by collaborating with governments to run cost-effective deworming treatment programs.


Mental Health Programs

StrongMinds seeks to improve mental health in sub-Saharan Africa by using group talk therapy to treat depression in women and adolescents

Helen Keller Intl— Vitamin A supplementation programme
Helen Keller International

Vitamin A Supplementation

HKI's Vitamin A supplementation program Improves child health and survival rates by partnering with governments across Africa and Asia to deliver lifesaving vitamin A supplements, essential nutrients, and complementary activities to millions of children annually.

New Incentives
New Incentives

Childhood Immunisation Incentives

New Incentives improves childhood immunization rates in Nigeria by providing cash incentives to caregivers.


Direct Cash Transfers

GiveDirectly Improves the wellbeing of people living in poverty and affirm their dignity by sending cash directly to the world’s poorest households and letting them choose for themselves how best to spend it to improve their lives.

Evidence Action: Safe Water Now
Evidence Action

Safe Water Now

Safe Water Now increases access to safe water by treating water with chlorine so that it's safe to drink


Animal Welfare Recommendations

HIA’s Animal Welfare recommendations focus on the industrial animal agriculture industry. Spread your giving across multiple charities listed below by donating to HIA's Animal Welfare portfolio.

High Impact Athletes’ Animal Welfare Portfolio
Animal Welfare Portfolio

by High Impact Athletes

The Animal Welfare Portfolio seeks to enhance animal welfare and address the challenges of industrial animal agriculture by distributing donations among leading charities focused on these issues as recommended by High Impact Athletes' expert advisors.

The Humane League (Corporate campaign programs)
The Humane League

Corporate Animal Welfare Campaigns

THL's corporate campaign programs promote farmed animal welfare through industry pressure and advocacy

Good Food Institute
Good Food Institute

Alternative Protein Field Building

The Good Food Institute accelerates the transition of the world’s food system toward alternative proteins by developing and promoting plant- and cell-based alternatives to animal products.


Climate Change Recommendations

HIA’s climate change recommendations focus on what it believes to be the most effective and ambitious climate initiatives. Spread your giving across multiple charities listed below by donating to HIA's Environmental portfolio.

High Impact Athletes’ Environmental Portfolio
Environmental Portfolio

by High Impact Athletes

HIA's Environmental Portfolio supports effective climate initiatives and global food system improvements by channeling donations across a curated selection of impactful environmental charities as recommended by High Impact Athletes' expert advisors.

Clean Air Task Force
Clean Air Task Force

Climate Research & Advocacy

Clean Air Task Force's Climate Research & Advocacy program promotes technical and policy change for the climate by developing pragmatic pathways to a zero-carbon energy system across electricity, transport, and industry sectors.

Founders Pledge: Climate Change Fund
Climate Change Fund

by Founders Pledge

The Climate Change Fund aims to address climate change by supporting highly impactful, evidence-based solutions to the “triple challenge” of carbon emissions, air pollution, and energy poverty.


High Impact Athletes exists to turn the sporting sector into a force for good. The organisation believes that the generosity and social influence of elite athletes can create a groundswell of world-changing impact.

Results matter. High Impact Athletes supports "the most optimised charities in the world so that your giving can be 10’s, 100’s or even 1000’s of times more impactful than the average." When you give through HIA, you aren’t just making a donation; you’re making an impact.

You can learn more about HIA, as well as its four giving portfolios, here.