GWWC's new recommendations and cause area funds

2 min read
27 Nov 2023

Giving What We Can's new fund and charity recommendations are now online! 

These recommendations are the result of our recent evaluations of evaluators.

Our research team hasn’t evaluated all impact-focused evaluators, and evaluators haven’t looked into all promising causes and charities, which is why we also host a variety of other promising programs that you can donate to via our donation platform.

We're also thrilled to announce the launch of a new donation option: Giving What We Can cause area funds. These funds offer a convenient option for donors who want to be confident they’ll be supporting high-impact giving opportunities within a particular cause area and don’t want to worry about choosing between top-rated funds or having to manually update their selections as our recommendations change. 

Global Health and Wellbeing Fund
Global Health and Wellbeing Fund

by Giving What We Can

The Global Health and Wellbeing Fund directs funding to highly effective organisations working to improve human wellbeing. Currently, the research team consults with GiveWell when determining where to allocate funds. See this fund's past grant rounds.

Effective Animal Advocacy Fund
Effective Animal Advocacy Fund

by Giving What We Can

The Effective Animal Advocacy Fund directs funding to highly effective organisations working to improve animal welfare. Currently, the research team plans to allocate half of this fund to the Animal Welfare Fund (EA Funds) and half to The Humane League’s corporate campaign work. See this fund's past grant rounds.

Risks and Resilience Fund
Risks and Resilience Fund

by Giving What We Can

The Risks and Resilience Fund directs funding to highly effective organisations working to reduce global catastrophic risks. Currently, the research team plans to allocate half of the fund's budget to the Long-Term Future Fund (EA Funds) and half to the Emerging Challenges Fund (Longview Philanthropy). See this fund's past grant rounds.


You can set up a donation to one or more of these funds, and we’ll allocate it based on the best available opportunities we know of in a cause area, guided by the evaluators we've evaluated. As the evaluators we work with and their recommendations change, we’ll update accordingly, so your donations will always be allocated based on our latest research.

Our recommendations

Our content and design teams have been working hard to revamp our recommendations page and donation platform, so you can more easily find and donate to the charities and funds that align with your values. We encourage you to check them out, give us feedback, and share with your friends (we've made some sample social media posts you could use/adapt).

Global health and wellbeing:

Animal welfare:

Reducing global catastrophic risks:

As always, we value your feedback, so if you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section here or under our recent post on our evaluations; participate in our AMA today and tomorrow; and/or get in touch with us!