
Giving What We Can is now its own legal entity!

1 min read
31 Aug 2024

Giving What We Can (GWWC) has now completed the “spin-out” we announced in December. As a result, we are no longer a legal project of the Effective Ventures Foundation UK and US (collectively referred to as “EV”), and have instead set up our own independent charitable entities in both the US and the UK, with Canada coming soon!

We’re super excited to take this important step as an organisation. While our core mission, commitments, and focus on effective giving remain unchanged, we’ve already begun to feel some of the benefits of being fully in charge of our own operations, including:

  • Aligning our organisational structure and governance more closely with our mission
  • Facilitating greater internal clarity and transparency around our core processes
  • Having greater control over our operational costs
  • Processing donations made via bank transfer, DAF, stock, or crypto more quickly than before

Of course, we owe a very big thank you to the team at EV for its incredible support over the years, which has helped us grow into the organisation we are today, and has prepared us to embark on this new chapter.

As we continue to move our ambitious plans forward, we’re focused more than ever on our core mission: to make effective and significant giving a cultural norm.

Check out the details of our new entities (UK) (US) (Canada - awaiting charitable status), along with our updated privacy policy!