Key details for Giving What We Can UK

Giving What We Can UK (GWWC UK), a charity registered in England in Wales, is a funding parter of Giving What We Can in the UK.

Registered office

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom

Postal Address

7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR, United Kingdom

Company Number


Charity Number



+ 44 7 418315621

Incorporation and registration

Date of incorporation: 2024-01-25

Incorporation documents:

Date of charity registration: 2024-04-23

ANBI Reporting Information

Last updated: 19th August 2024

  • Giving What We Can UK (GWWC UK) is a Public Benefit Organization (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, or ANBI) in the Netherlands (with registration number 827647232).

    Giving What We Can was operated by Effective Ventures Foundation (UK), a Public Benefit Organization (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, or ANBI) in the Netherlands (with registration number 825776867) until and including August. 25th, 2024.
  • De hoofdlijnen van het beleidsplan (Strategy and broader plans)
  • Financiële overzichten (Financial statements)
  • Bestuurssamenstelling, beloningsbeleid en namen bestuurders (Board composition, remuneration policy and names of directors)
    • Please see below


Board of Trustees

  • Zuber Nosimohomed
  • Habiba Banu
  • Matti Wilks
  • Peter Darcy Cockhill
  • Andrew Sutton


  • Chair&Secretary: Zuber Nosimohomed
  • Treasurer: Andrew Sutton
  • Interim CEO: Sjir Hoeijmakers

As per guidance from the UK Charity Commission, all trustees on the GWWC UK board volunteer their services.