August news: New effective giving initiatives in the US, Europe and India

Hi and welcome to our August newsletter!

My name is Lucas, and I’m writing to you this month as Grace is taking some well-deserved leave. We wish her a restful break!

Today, I'm excited to share some news about a project I've been working on as part of my role as Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator here at Giving What We Can. For the past 15 months, I've been supporting the global effective giving ecosystem and helping develop new effective giving initiatives (EGIs). Today, I want to tell you about some exciting developments in this space.

In May 2024, we partnered with Ambitious Impact (AIM) to incubate five new EGIs across different countries. These initiatives focus on raising awareness and channelling donations to some of the most cost-effective charities worldwide. The new EGIs include Ellis Impact in New York City, Benefficienza in Italy, Mieux Donner in France and French-speaking Switzerland, Effectief Geven in Belgium, and Impactful Giving in India. You can find out more about these new EGIs here. If you live in any of these regions and would like to get in touch with your local EGI, you can reach out via their contact information or website.


Our effective giving initiative program cohort, including facilitators and advisors

You might wonder, "Why do we need more EGIs when we have GWWC?" Great question! While GWWC has been incredibly successful globally, we’ve recognized an opportunity to help create and support new specialised organisations that can cater to specific demographics, regions, or approaches to giving.

This expansion of the effective giving ecosystem is a crucial step towards our goal of making giving effectively and significantly a cultural norm, since it allows for a diversification of approaches and the ability to tailor messaging to different audiences; in short, by helping to incubate and support new EGIs, we're creating more entry points for people to discover the stunning impact that we can all have through evidence-based giving.

Together, we're building a global community committed to making sure that our giving does as much good as possible! Lots of more great news below –

With gratitude,

Lucas & the Giving What We Can team

P.S. Speaking of new entry points into effective giving, have you seen Ali Abdaal’s new video about why he’s taken both the 10% Pledge and the Company Pledge? We’re thrilled that Ali felt motivated to share these ideas with his extensive network! (By the way, we had nothing to do with this video; Ali’s thoughts are entirely his own.)

P.P.S. A huge thank you to everyone who filled out the recent survey we ran to improve our understanding of what helps or hinders people from giving to effective charities and/or pledging. We have had responses from over 300 pledgers and almost 250 non-pledgers and will be in touch over the coming months with the results!

Motivations for Pledging

Here are some of our favourite responses from people who took a pledge last month:

What motivated you to take a pledge with Giving What We Can?

  • I wish to see the world become a better place and want to contribute to that cause in a society where the wealth gap is continuing to grow and things are becoming more and more divisive. Kraze Kode from India
  • In challenging personal circumstances, upholding one’s values is both necessary from the standpoint of personal integrity and serves as a source of strength. Hawk Yang from Canada
  • As I progress into my 20s and beyond, I want to cultivate generosity as a habit as well as a key value. Making a commitment to doing good now puts me on the path of doing more good later. Tyler Stark from the United States

Upcoming Events

GWWC Meetup (Online): Interview with founder of Fair Fryer Tristan Makking: Fair Priced Doughnuts for Effective Giving

You can join online for this interactive interview with fair pricing and effective giving entrepreneur Tristan Makking, hosted by Tjeerd Dijkstra from Amsterdam-Netherlands. Tristan is the founder of the Dutch doughnut vendor Fair Fryer. He doesn’t only put time and effort into doing good, he also charges fair prices and donates effectively to invest in the future of the planet. This meet-up will be an open and interactive interview – join and ask Tristan whatever you’d like!

Please join by accepting this calendar invite and you’ll receive the link for the video call.

Thursday, 5th September 24 at 8 - 9.15 pm (CEST)

GWWC Sydney – Profit for Good: Driving Social Impact with Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy

Join us for an inspiring evening featuring innovative entrepreneurs and thoughtful philanthropists who are reshaping the business landscape. You’ll gain practical insights on building impactful businesses, strategies for effective giving, and networking opportunities with like-minded professionals. Whether you're an entrepreneur, investor, or professional interested in maximising your positive impact, this event is not to be missed!

Tickets are limited and previous events sold out. RSVP here!

Wednesday, 18th September at 5:30 - 8 pm AEST

Giving Green: How to Drive Systemic Change Via High-Impact Climate Donations

Giving Green is hosting an event at New York Climate Week on high-impact climate giving, featuring panellists from organisations such as the Good Food Institute. Giving Green’s Founder and Executive Director, Dr Dan Stein, will lead a panel discussion with leading changemakers in climate about the most promising philanthropic strategies and where more capital is needed to accelerate them.

You can join the evening of drinks and conversation to learn what the latest research says about how and where to donate to spur the systemic change we need to slow global warming. Register here.

Thursday, 26 September at 5 - 8 pm EDT

News & Updates


Charity Elections Participants Share Their Reflections

It makes me realise how much I can do for the world.

I realised it's a lot more cost-effective to help out than people assume.

The charity election helped me realise that I need to do more research so I can help [more] people.

It helps me feel like I am a part of a change that will make things better in the long term.


  • YouTuber and bestselling author of Feel Good Productivity Ali Abdaal recently took the Company Pledge, after taking the pledge as an individual back in 2019. He posted the following video about why he took the pledge (both as an individual and for his company), and why he thinks others should learn about the pledge too!

Cause areas

Animal Welfare

Global Health and Wellbeing

Global Catastrophic Risk Reduction

  • An article about the industry response to California’s AI Safety bill was published in The Nation, with the tagline: “AI’s top industrialists say they want regulation—until someone tries to regulate them. Garrison Lovely, the author of the article, also published this post with additional context from past reporting and a commentary on the veto letter sent by eight Democratic California Members of Congress.
  • The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security announced last month the launch of the Tackling Rumors and Understanding & Strengthening Trust (TRUST) in Public Health website, which aims to better prepare public health professionals to address rumours and misinformation during public health emergencies and “tackle some of the most important issues we face today in public health preparedness—lack of trust and the spread of misleading information.”

Evaluators, grantmakers and incubators (and other opportunities)


Featured social media post of the month

We usually feature posts from our broader community of pledgers, but this month we wanted to share this significant milestone from Grace, Head of Marketing at GWWC! Check out her original post here.

Have any feedback on our newsletter or communications? Share your thoughts here.

You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok for more news and updates.

Do you have questions about the pledge, Giving What We Can, or effective giving in general? Check out our FAQ page, or contact us directly.