Blog post

October 2020 Newsletter

7 min read
30 Oct 2020

This edition of our newsletter includes information about our November meetups; updates from Giving What We Can; relevant updates for effective giving; a selection of interesting articles; upcoming events you can join; and some ways you can help!


This is the online edition of our October 2020 email newsletter (subscribe here).

November Meetup Events

Next weekend (November 7-8) we invite you to meet up with people in the Giving What We Can community from around the world, hear what's going on, and discuss a range of topics.

Americas / Oceania

Saturday 7pm EST / Sunday 11am AEDT
Special Guest: Catherine Low, Centre for Effective Altruism


Europe / Asia

Sunday 9:30am GMT / Sunday 5:30pm SGT
Special Guest: Arden Koehler, 80,000 Hours


News & Updates

Giving What We Can

Effective Giving Advocacy Challenge

Want to advocate for effective giving but don’t know how? Sign up and we’ll email you with an action you can take each day to make a difference this giving season!

Company Pledge

We have soft-launched our Company Pledge with four companies including Australian trade services provider Give Industries, European impact-streetwear brand Studio-1X, American meditation app Waking Up, and Australian technology research & venture builder ISOLABS. These companies will donate at least 10% of their profits to effective charities.

Hey you. Yes, you. You can make a difference. by Julian Hazell

“It is common to think that our ability to help the needy is inadequate when we compare ourselves to the ultra-rich, especially when we consider issues that seem too big to solve… Thankfully, that isn’t the case. Let me show you the how, and then the why.”

Member Profile: Catherine Thomas

“I like the idea that people will give together. I hope the pledge will start to build that social norm toward redistribution, specifically for basic needs and effective charities… I appreciate that there's this mechanism that facilitates the giving process really easily. It makes me feel more whole — less divided — as an individual because it aligns my values with my actions.”

Open Forum

Do you have a burning question about effective giving, pledging to give, Giving What We Can, or effective altruism? Want to make a suggestion or discuss an idea? Just keen to meet others interested in effective giving? Join us for Giving What We Can's Open Forum hosted on the third Thursday/Wednesday of each month.

Grantmakers, Evaluators and Incubators

Upcoming Events

Can you help?

Want to help spread the word about effective giving?

Join our Effective Giving Advocacy Challenge, share our ideas, or offer to volunteer.

Do you have a personal blog or website?

Consider helping us spread the word by (a) writing something about Giving What We Can; or (b) linking to us in your sidebar or footer (e.g. What are the best charities to donate to?, Are you on the global rich list?, I’ve taken a giving pledge!).

Feel like sharing your effective giving story?

Help inspire others by telling the story of your experience, and why you give.

Did you want to write for our blog?

Email us to suggest a topic you’d like to write about, or ask us for ideas.

Do you want to run an effective giving event within your workplace, school, or community group?

We’d love to help – simply email us to let us know.

For more news and articles, you can follow us on TwitterFacebook or LinkedIn, or subscribe to the EA Newsletter.

Do you have questions about the pledge, Giving What We Can, or effective altruism in general? Check out our FAQ page, or contact us directly.