Giving What We Can Freiburg

We're a new group that meets once a quarter to have discussions about giving, how to improve the world and socialise with other like-minded people.

We have a mix of speaker events, fundraising events and socials.

You're most welcome to come along with nothing more than an interest in learning about effective giving. Please feel free to bring along a friend too.

Our upcoming events

Come join Giving What We Can Freiburg for our next event!

No events listed yet? There will be soon! Sign up for the mailing list below to be kept in the loop.

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Join us online

You can join the #group-freiburg channel in the Giving What We Can Community slack workspace to join conversations between events.

Get in contact

Giving What We Can Freiburg is currently run by Stephan Schwer and Milena Canzler.

You can get in contact via