Pledge Week 2024

Take a pledge during Giving What We Can's Pledge Week 2024, and join a community of close to 10,000 people committed to giving effectively across the globe.

5 min read
4 Dec 2024
Already a pledger? Here's how you can help support Pledge Week 2024!

Here's how you can get the most out of our Pledge Week (Dec 16 - Dec 22), if you're thinking about taking a pledge to give and being part of our first 10,000 pledgers!

Join our Q&A sessions for Pledge Week to get your questions answered

Join a group call to ask your questions and hear what other people are thinking about! Grace and James have been pledgers for many years themselves so can answer practical questions as well as provide details about the pledges we offer.


Pledge Q&A Session with James:

Monday 16th December London 6pm / Berlin 7pm / NYC 1pm / SF 10 am



Pledge Q&A Session with Grace:

Monday, December 16th, 8pm New York City / 5pm San Francisco, Tuesday 17th: 12pm Sydney / 9am Singapore


Read more about why you should consider taking a 10% Pledge or Trial Pledge:

You can also ask our community on Slack about their experiences.

Join our GWWC Community Slack

If you’re ready to pledge...

Pledge with others during signing and celebration events!

Taking a pledge is a big milestone - to celebrate the occasion, come along and take a pledge at the same time as others, and get to meet other new people in the community! We’d love to have you be part of it!


Pledge Signing and Celebration with James:

Thursday, December 19th, London 6pm / Berlin 7pm / NYC 1pm / SF 10 am



Pledge Signing and Celebration with Grace:

Thursday, December 19th, 8pm New York City / 5pm San Francisco, Friday 21st: 12pm Sydney / 9am Singapore


Take a pledge right now!

Take a pledge

You could even share it on social media in honour of Pledge Week, if you’d like – LinkedIn has been a particularly welcoming place lately!

(If you don't want to share it, that's fine too — taking it still helps inspire others by getting us closer to 10,000 active pledgers, a significant milestone on the way to cultural norm territory!)

Here are some customisable image templates you can use to share your pledge.


An example from 10% Pledger Hannes!


Already a pledger?

You can help support Pledge Week 2024 by posting about your pledge and/or sharing resources with friends/family. We've gotten feedback that it would be helpful to have some sample templates, so we've included some options below. Feel free to use/adjust them!

Post about your 10% Pledge or Trial pledge, in honor of pledge week.

Sample 1 (use this if you want to blame GWWC for why you are sharing!)

Talking about charity is still a social taboo, but Giving What We Can is trying to change that. So in honor of Pledge Week, I'm following their advice and posting about my decision to donate a percentage of my income to the charities I believe can best improve the lives of others. I'd love to talk to my network about why and how I do this, and why I believe it's important to talk about charity. Can I count on at least three people to ask me about it?

Sample 2

When I first heard about the reasoning behind the 10% Pledge, I was shocked at the power we all have to impact the world through our donations, especially when we choose charities with as much care as we make other decisions. I found the donation advice at Giving What We Can really helpful, and I'm a big fan of their mission to help make giving effectively and significantly a cultural norm. To help, I'd love to share a bit about why I've taken a public pledge to donate a percentage of my income to the charities I believe (based on expert research and reasoning) can best improve the lives of others, since I think many in my network might be interested in doing something similar! Drop me a line or comment here and let's talk about it!!

Send some resources to friends/family

For sharing: "You're richer than you realise video":

Sample 1

I thought this video was really interesting — its from an org I'm a member of (I've actually taken the Pledge they mention at the end) and I've been meaning to bring this up bc I thought you might find it interesting too. Curious to hear what you think about it!

Sample 2

So it turns out I'm in the top x% of global income earners!

Sample 3

This video on global wealth inequality is crazy! I'm actually a member of the org that put it out — I think they're pretty good. Curious to hear what you think about the pledge idea they mention at the end — I've done it but have been nervous to bring it up with anyone...given your background in x, though, I figured you might have some thoughts about it? Would be keen to hear them!

For sharing: "The story behind the 10% Pledge video":

Sample 1

I just took this [x amount of time] ago! Super curious to hear what you think about it, actually — been meaning to ask, given your interest in X.

Sample 2

Not sure if I've mentioned the 10% Pledge before, but I thought this video about why it was created was pretty interesting. I've actually taken it myself for some of the same reasons Toby talks about in the video. If you have time to watch it, I'd love to know what you think.

Sample 3

This is from an org called Giving What We Can that I really like! Been meaning to share their site with you because they have really great research and recommendations for where to donate that I've found super useful!