Giving What We Can supports making donations in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency (crypto for short) is a type of digital currency, secured by cryptography. Common cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether.
Cryptocurrency is an asset, a little bit like shares in a company. Cryptocurrencies are traded just like shares, and have value that can be expressed in terms of regular (fiat) currencies, like USD or GBP.
You could always just sell some of your cryptocurrency (i.e. converting the value back into a regular currency), and then donate the proceeds. However, it might be better to donate the cryptocurrency instead, for two main reasons:
Giving What We Can is one of the best places to donate with crypto:
or contact us at with your full contact information, amount, and currency.
Please note that we can only accept donations equivalent to > $1,000 USD. For donations that don't meet this, we recommend converting them to fiat currency first and then donating through our donation portal.
Cryptocurrency donations are non-refundable in most cases, and we sell them for USD shortly after we receive them. If you have any questions about how to donate cryptocurrency, please email us at before making your donation.
After contacting us, we'll send you further payment instructions through email.
We offer support for any cryptocurrency available on Kraken Spot that can be converted to USD.
This is a manual process, and we strive to complete it as quickly as possible, usually within 2-3 business days. If you prefer special timing, please mention it in the form. If you are concerned about price fluctuations, it's usually best to donate in a stablecoin like USDC.
No, we require your full name and address to process crypto donations. Therefore, we cannot accept donations from smart contracts or anonymous sources. In cases where we cannot accept the donation, we might be forced to send it back to the address that sent it.
No, HMRC does not consider cryptoassets to be currency or money, so any donations of cryptoassets will not be eligible for Gift Aid.
If cryptoassets are converted to 'money' then the converted 'money' can be donated to charity under the Gift Aid scheme, subject to normal qualifying conditions applying.
The donor must convert cryptoassets into 'money' before donating it to the charity and should bear in mind any personal Capital Gains Tax implications.
For more details, please refer to HMRC's guidance on Gift Aid.