The Giving What We Can

Donation platform

Support a variety of charitable projects and funds -- all in one place

UPDATED 11/2023

Recommendations (10)

These charities and funds are our top picks. They are recommended by impact-focused evaluators our research team has vetted, and present exceptional opportunities for impact.

GiveWell: All Grants Fund
All Grants Fund

by GiveWell

The All Grants Fund seeks to improve global health and well-being by supporting the full range of GiveWell’s grantmaking to high-impact opportunities, including at organisations outside of its top charities.

Effective Altruism Funds: Animal Welfare Fund
Animal Welfare Fund

by Effective Altruism Funds

The Animal Welfare Fund aims to improve the wellbeing of nonhuman animals by making grants that focus on one or more best-in-class opportunities.

Longview Philanthropy: Emerging Challenges Fund
Emerging Challenges Fund

by Longview Philanthropy

The ECF works to safeguard the long-term future by providing funding to highly-effective organisations that seek to reduce existential and catastrophic risks, such as those coming from misaligned artificial intelligence, pandemics, and nuclear war.

GiveWell: Top Charities Fund
Top Charities Fund

by GiveWell

The Top Charities Fund improves global wellbeing by supporting the highest-priority funding needs among GiveWell's Top Charities, which are evidence-backed, high-impact, and highly cost-effective opportunities to save and improve the lives of people living in low- and lower-middle-income countries.

Effective Altruism Funds: Long-Term Future Fund
Long-Term Future Fund

by Effective Altruism Funds

The Long-Term Future Fund aims to positively influence the long-term trajectory of civilisation by making grants that address global catastrophic risks with an emphasis on potential risks from advanced artificial intelligence and pandemics.

Malaria Consortium — Seasonal malaria chemoprevention programme
Malaria Consortium

Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention

The Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention program protects children from malaria by distributing preventative medication at times of high transmission.

The Humane League (Corporate campaign programs)
The Humane League

Corporate Animal Welfare Campaigns

THL's corporate campaign programs promote farmed animal welfare through industry pressure and advocacy

Against Malaria Foundation
Against Malaria Foundation

Bednets To Prevent Malaria

AMF's bed net programs protect people from malaria by distributing and ensuring the use of long-lasting insecticidal bednets in regions with the highest burden of malaria cases.

Helen Keller Intl— Vitamin A supplementation programme
Helen Keller International

Vitamin A Supplementation

HKI's Vitamin A Supplementation program Improves child health and survival rates by partnering with governments across Africa to deliver lifesaving vitamin A supplements and complementary activities to millions of children annually.

New Incentives
New Incentives

Childhood Immunisation Incentives

New Incentives improves childhood immunization rates in Nigeria by providing cash incentives to caregivers.


Can’t decide?
Donate to Giving What We Can funds

Giving What We Can funds are a convenient option for donors who want to set up a single donation to support work in a cause area and don’t want to choose between our top-rated funds. All donations to this fund will be pooled and then allocated to particularly impactful giving opportunities within the fund’s cause area, based on our latest research. (Or choose the All Causes Bundle if you want to support all the high-impact causes we currently recommend.)

Global Health and Wellbeing Fund
Global Health and Wellbeing Fund

by Giving What We Can

The Global Health and Wellbeing Fund directs funding to highly effective organisations working to improve human wellbeing. Currently, the research team consults with GiveWell when determining where to allocate funds. See this fund's past grant rounds.

Effective Animal Advocacy Fund
Effective Animal Advocacy Fund

by Giving What We Can

The Effective Animal Advocacy Fund directs funding to highly effective organisations working to improve animal welfare. Currently, the research team plans to allocate half of this fund to the Animal Welfare Fund (EA Funds) and half to The Humane League’s corporate campaign work. See this fund's past grant rounds.

Risks and Resilience Fund
Risks and Resilience Fund

by Giving What We Can

The Risks and Resilience Fund directs funding to highly effective organisations working to reduce global catastrophic risks. Currently, the research team plans to allocate half of the fund's budget to the Long-Term Future Fund (EA Funds) and half to the Emerging Challenges Fund (Longview Philanthropy). See this fund's past grant rounds.

All Causes Bundle

Can’t decide? This bundle allows you to split your donation across all three of our GWWC-managed cause area funds.


Other supported programs

Our donation platform also supports a number of other programmes that broadly align with our principles — in other words, all of these programmes are working on a pressing problem and taking a reasonably promising approach (based on their stated missions and programme descriptions). We’ve roughly ordered these based on our research team’s preliminary impression of which might be most interesting to impact-focused donors, taking into account factors like if we’ve previously recommended them or if they are currently recommended by an impact-focused evaluator. We encourage donors to read more about these giving options before deciding to support them.

Global health and wellbeing (15)

These programmes reduce hunger, poverty, and disease, and promote economic empowerment, education, and mental and physical wellbeing across the globe.

Founders Pledge: Global Health and Development Fund
Global Health & Development Fund

by Founders Pledge

The Global Health & Development Fund seeks to significantly improve the lives of the most vulnerable people by granting to high-impact projects working on global health and development.

Effective Altruism Funds: Global Health and Development Fund
Global Health & Development Fund

by Effective Altruism Funds

The Global Health & Development Fund aims to improve the health and economic empowerment of people around the world as effectively as possible by granting to promising global health and development projects.

Lead Exposure Elimination Project
Lead Exposure Elimination Project

Lead Policy Advocacy

LEEP seeks to eliminate lead poisoning across the globe by advocating for policies that prevent lead exposure, such as ending the sale and manufacture of lead paint worldwide.

Family Empowerment Media
Family Empowerment Media

Family Planning Campaigns

Family Empowerment Media aims to reduce maternal deaths and other health burdens related to unintended pregnancies by enabling informed contraceptive decisions through educational media campaigns


Childhood Immunisation Campaigns

Suvita works to increase childhood routine immunization in India through text message reminders and a network of ambassadors

Teaching at the Right Level Africa
Teaching at the Right Level Africa

African Education Program

TaRL Africa enhances learning outcomes for children’s basic reading and math skills in Sub-Saharan Africa through the evidence-based Teaching at the Right Level approach.


Direct Cash Transfers

GiveDirectly Improves the wellbeing of people living in poverty and affirm their dignity by sending cash directly to the world’s poorest households and letting them choose for themselves how best to spend it to improve their lives.


Mental Health Programs

StrongMinds seeks to improve mental health in sub-Saharan Africa by using group talk therapy to treat depression in women and adolescents

Sightsavers — Deworming programme

Deworming Program

The Deworming Program works to improve health and social outcomes for school-aged children by supporting and promoting schistosomiasis and intestinal worm treatment programs.

Evidence Action: Deworm the World
Evidence Action

Deworm the World Initiative

Deworm the World prevents parasite related illnesses in children by collaborating with governments to run cost-effective deworming treatment programs.

Unlimit Health (formerly SCI Foundation)
Unlimit Health

Deworming Program

The Deworming Program prevents parasitic infection and seeks to build resilient systems for good health by supporting schistosomiasis deworming programs in low-income countries and partnering with ministries of health to support country-owned solutions.

Evidence Action: Safe Water Now
Evidence Action

Safe Water Now

Safe Water Now increases access to safe water by treating water with chlorine so that it's safe to drink

Action for Happiness
Action for Happiness

Wellbeing Programs

Action for Happiness's wellbeing programs foster global wellbeing and happiness by offering evidence-based happiness tools and fostering supportive social networks.

GiveWell: Unrestricted Fund
Effective Giving Research & Advocacy

by GiveWell

GiveWell's Unrestricted Fund improves global health and development outcomes by providing GiveWell with flexible funding for their comprehensive grantmaking activities and operational needs, allowing for the advancement of research and identification of high-impact giving opportunities.

Happier Lives Institute
Happier Lives Institute

Human Wellbeing Research and Advocacy

HLI improves global wellbeing by conducting research on the measurement of wellbeing and applying wellbeing research when identifying and evaluating cost-effective policies and interventions


Animal welfare (8)

These programmes improve animal lives, reduce extreme suffering, and promote a sustainable and just food system through policy, research, and advocacy.

Animal Charity Evaluators: Recommended Charity Fund
Recommended Charity Fund

by Animal Charity Evaluators

The Recommended Charity Fund aims to improve the wellbeing of animals globally by supporting organisations ACE has rigorously evaluated and believes to be highly-impactful.

Animal Charity Evaluators: Movement Grants Program
Movement Grants Program

by Animal Charity Evaluators

The Movement Grants Program builds and strengthens the animal advocacy movement by funding a diverse range of promising projects around the globe.

Good Food Institute
Good Food Institute

Alternative Protein Field Building

The Good Food Institute accelerates the transition of the world’s food system toward alternative proteins by developing and promoting plant- and cell-based alternatives to animal products.


Animal Welfare Research

Faunalytics strengthens animal advocacy by providing animal advocates with important research and strategies that improve their effectiveness in saving lives. It conducts original research, offers direct research support to advocates/advocacy orgs, and maintains the largest database of animal advocacy research.

Wild Animal Initiative
Wild Animal Initiative

Wild Animal Welfare Research and Field Building

Wild Animal Initiative seeks to advance wild animal welfare science through research, funding, and professional services, with the ultimate goal of improving the lives of wild animals responsibly and at scale.

Fish Welfare Initiative
Fish Welfare Initiative

Fish Welfare Advocacy

FWI Identifies and implements welfare improvements for farmed fish in priority contexts, particularly India.

Animal Advocacy Africa
Animal Advocacy Africa

Animal Advocacy Capacity Building

Animal Advocacy Africa aims to strengthen animal welfare in Africa by empowering local animal advocacy organizations and individual advocates with skills, knowledge, and resources to effectively mitigate the rise of intensive farming practices and enhance farmed animal wellbeing.

Animal Charity Evaluators
Animal Charity Evaluators

Animal Charity Evaluations

Animal Charity Evaluators helps reduce large-scale animal suffering by finding and promoting what they've assessed to be the most impactful organisations helping animals.


Reducing global catastrophic risks (13)

These programmes leverage research and policy to help safeguard the future from large-scale risks related to AI, nuclear security, and natural or engineered pandemics.

Founders Pledge: Global Catastrophic Risks Fund
Global Catastrophic Risks Fund

by Founders Pledge

The Global Catastrophic Risks Fund aims to reduce global catastrophic risks by granting to promising projects

Founders Pledge: Patient Philanthropy Fund
Patient Philanthropy Fund

by Founders Pledge

The Patient Philanthropy Fund seeks to grow the available resources to reduce existential risk by acting as an "emergency fund" for safeguarding the long-term future of humanity -- investing contributions and waiting to deploy them until exceptional opportunities appear and funds are needed most.

Longview Philanthropy: Nuclear Weapons Policy Fund
Nuclear Weapons Policy Fund

by Longview Philanthropy

The Nuclear Weapons Policy Fund seeks to reduce the risk of nuclear war by funding promising projects, such as those that increase understanding of the new nuclear risk landscape, identify effective risk-reduction strategies, inform policymakers about how to tackle the persistent risks from nuclear weapons, and strengthen the capacity of the field.

Nuclear Threat Initiative — Biosecurity programme
Nuclear Threat Initiative

Global Biological Policy and Programs

NTI's Global Biological Policy and Programs seeks to transform global security by driving systemic solutions to biological threats imperiling humanity.

Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence (CHAI)
Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence (CHAI)

AI Safety Research and Field Building

CHAI's AI Safety Research and Field Building program promotes the beneficial use of AI through research, field building, and thought leadership.

Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
The Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins

Pandemic Prevention Program

The Pandemic Prevention Program aims to fortify global health by conducting pioneering research and policy analysis to enhance preparedness and response to infectious diseases and public health crises.

Secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Future Generations
Secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Future Generations

Future Generations Policy

The APPG aims to safeguard the wellbeing and interests of future generations by providing education, support, and advice to decision-makers and policy makers and facilitating cross-party engagement and dialogue on combating short-termism and identifying ways to internalise concern for future generations into today’s policymaking.

Centre for the Governance of AI (GovAI)
Centre for the Governance of AI (GovAI)

AI Governance Field Building

GovAI aims to enhance the management and influence of global policy decisions regarding advanced AI by developing a global research community and engaging with key stakeholders to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by AI advancements.

Center on Long-Term Risk Fund
Center on Long-Term Risk Fund

by Center on Long-Term Risk

The Center on Long-Term Risk Fund supports promising projects and individuals working on long-term risk mitigation related to advanced AI.

80,000 Hours
80,000 Hours

High-Impact Careers Support

80,000 Hours facilitates high-impact careers by providing research and support to help people switch into careers that effectively tackle the world's most pressing problems.


Resilient Food Solutions

ALLFED's food system resilience program aims to increase the resilience of the world's food systems to global catastrophic food shocks through research, development, and policy recommendations.

Longview Philanthropy
Longview Philanthropy

Effective Giving Research and Advocacy

Longview Philanthropy seeks to positively influence the long-term future by guiding philanthropists to highly impactful funding opportunities.

Center on Long-Term Risk
Center on Long-Term Risk

AI Safety Research and Field Building

The Center on Long-Term Risk AI Safety Research and Field Building program addresses worst-case AI risks through research, identifying grants, and field building.


Addressing climate change (6)

These programmes focus on mitigating the worst effects of climate change by promoting clean, scalable, and equitable solutions.

Founders Pledge: Climate Change Fund
Climate Change Fund

by Founders Pledge

The Climate Change Fund aims to address climate change by supporting highly impactful, evidence-based solutions to the “triple challenge” of carbon emissions, air pollution, and energy poverty.

Giving Green Fund
Giving Green Grantmaking Fund

by Giving Green

The Giving Green Grantmaking Fund addresses climate change by supporting a research-backed selection of high-impact climate giving opportunities.

Clean Air Task Force
Clean Air Task Force

Climate Research & Advocacy

Clean Air Task Force's Climate Research & Advocacy program promotes technical and policy change for the climate by developing pragmatic pathways to a zero-carbon energy system across electricity, transport, and industry sectors.

Industrious Labs
Industrious Labs

Decarbonisation Advocacy and Field Building

Industrious Labs seeks to address climate change decarbonising heavy industry through advocacy, capacity building, and research.

Good Energy Collective
Good Energy Collective

Nuclear Energy Policy Research & Development

The Good Energy Collective supports the equitable adoption of advanced nuclear energy by developing and educating about nuclear policies that align with progressive values and justice-centered climate goals

Giving Green
Giving Green

Effective Giving Research & Advocacy

Giving Green's Effective Giving Research & Advocacy program seeks to advance climate action philanthropy by evaluating and recommending what they've assessed to be the most cost-effective giving opportunities in climate.


Effective giving and effective altruism (12)

These programmes focus on outreach, capacity building, fundraising, charity incubation, and evaluation related to effective giving, effective altruism, and promoting high-impact philanthropy.

Effective Altruism Funds: Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund
Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund

by Effective Altruism Funds

The Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund aims to increase the impact of projects that use the principles of effective altruism by increasing their access to talent, capital, and knowledge.

AIM: Charity Entrepreneurship Incubated Charities Fund
Incubated Charities Fund

by AIM (Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program)

The Incubated Charities Fund fosters charitable impact by providing seed grant funding to new, promising charities graduating from Charity Entrepreneurship's Incubation Program.

The Life You Can Save
The Life You Can Save

Effective Giving Research & Advocacy

TLYCS aims to combat extreme poverty by connecting donors to highly effective giving opportunities, and inspiring and empowering philanthropic actions.

Effective Altruism Australia
Effective Altruism Australia

Effective Giving Advocacy

Effective Altruism Australia's effective giving program promotes effective giving in Australia through research and advocacy.

AIM: Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program
AIM (Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program)

Charity Research & Incubation

The Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program at AIM fosters charitable impact by researching, training, and incubating effective charities.

Centre for Effective Altruism
Centre for Effective Altruism

Effective Altruism Field Building

The Center for Effective Altruism aims to increase charitable and career impact by nurturing a community of people who are thinking carefully about the world's most pressing problems and taking impactful action to solve them.

Rethink Priorities
Rethink Priorities

Global Priorities Research

Rethink Priorities aims to drive critical global improvements by conducting in-depth research and consultancy to guide evidence-based allocation of resources in vital areas such as animal welfare and global health and development, and by nurturing the development of organizations addressing these essential priorities.

Social Change Lab
Social Change Lab

Social Movement Research

Social Change Lab seeks to maximise the impact of social movements by conducting research on the best ways to accelerate positive social change

Founders Pledge
Founders Pledge

Effective Giving Research & Advocacy

Founders Pledge seeks to maximise philanthropic impact by conducting rigorous charity research and educating entrepreneurs about how and where to give effectively to help solve the world's most pressing problems.

High Impact Athletes
High Impact Athletes

Effective Giving Advocacy

HIA seeks to maximise philanthropic impact by guiding athletes and their supporters to highly-effective donation opportunities

Giving What We Can Charity Elections
Giving What We Can

Charity Elections

A charity election is a school-wide event in which high school students vote among three charities to decide which will receive up to $2,000 in sponsored funds.

Giving What We Can
Giving What We Can

Effective Giving Research & Advocacy

Giving What We Can — the nonprofit organisation behind this website and donation platform — is a community of effective givers. We provide the support, community, and information donors need to do the most good with their charitable donations. Donating to this program supports our core operations.


About Giving What We Can

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Co-founded in 2009 by moral philosophers Toby Ord and William MacAskill, Giving What We Can is a global community of effective givers and a resource hub for people who want to help. We curate a carefully vetted list of charity recommendations, offer resources and guides so you can make a bigger difference on the problems you care about, and work to change the norms around charitable giving to inspire people to give more, and more effectively.

We believe the scale of global income inequality is so vast that most people living in high-income countries have significant power to affect the lives of others. (See where you stack up here.) To that end, we also help people support high-impact charitable programmes and projects via our donation platform and invite you to join the 10,130 people who have taken a giving pledge.


Donor advising

Donors who plan to make substantial donations can benefit from working with a philanthropic advisor. Please reach out to us and we’ll connect you with an appropriate person or organisation.