Share your pledge and inspire others

We have created these beautiful downloadable images for you to help share your pledge with the world!

We’d recommend sharing these on social media to celebrate your commitment and help spread the word about effective giving!


Social Shareables

Here's how they could look on social media:


How to create your personal image

FYI You’ll need a canva account or to sign up free to Canva for this:

  1. Open this Canva file and make a copy
  2. Find which image you’d like to use by scrolling down the file
  3. Upload a photo of yourself and drag it into the image
  4. Click on the text box for the name, and replace it with yours
  5. If applicable, click on the text box for the pledge number, and replace it with yours
  6. In the top right hand corner, press the share button, and select download, select which page of the file to download, and preferred file type. We recommend PNG or JPEG.
  7. Once you download it, it should be in your downloads folder ready for you to use!

Please don't forget to tag us! We're @giving_what_we_can on Instagram, @givingwhatwecan on Bluesky/X and searching Giving What We Can on Facebook and LinkedIn should find us!

Access the social shareables

A video tutorial that Grace filmed to show you how to do it!

Some ideas of text to share alongside your image

Tweet length:

  • For so long, I wanted to give back but never knew how. Now, I’ve pledged to give away 10% of my lifetime income to highly effective charities and know that each year, I’m making a meaningful impact with @givingwhatwecan
  • If you’re looking for a New Year’s resolution to do more good - why not consider a giving pledge with @givingwhatwecan? I’ve pledged to give 10% of my income to highly effective charities, and it’s been one of the best commitments I’ve made
  • This year, why not commit to giving a portion of your income to the world’s best charities? I took a pledge back in 20XX, and it’s been one of the most meaningful things I’ve done.
  • If the top 1% of earners gave 10% of their income to high-impact charities we could transform the world for the better (see TED talk in bio). Today I’m taking a step towards that world by pledging to give 10% of my income.


  • If the top 1% gave 10% of their income to solve the world's problems, we could solve most of them (see TED talk in bio). Today, I’m doing my part pledging 10% to make that happen
  • I have taken the 🔸10% Pledge to donate 10% of my lifetime income to effective charities. Find out more and join me here!
  • I've pledged to give 10% of my income to effective charities and invite you to join me.
  • Join me in pledging 10% of my income to effective charities – together, we can end poverty, animal cruelty, and safeguard our future.

Here’s a link to Natalie Cargill’s TED talk “How to Solve the World’s Biggest Problems

Downloadable LinkedIn and X/Bluesky banners

We’ve created some options for banners you can upload to your LinkedIn and X/Bluesky profiles.

Download the banners

Here's how they can look on your profile:


Other ways to share your pledge

  • Create a social post (See some examples without the social shareables.)
  • Add a line about the pledge to your email signature (examples here)
  • Use one of our badges! You can download a variety of designs (including for trial and company pledges!) or use this sample html code:

    <a href=""><img src="" title="I've pledged to donate at least 10 percent of my income to effective charities" alt="I've pledged to donate at least 10 percent of my income to effective charities" width="250" height="250"/></a>
Image of badge

Sample badge

  • Add the pledge to your LinkedIn profile under volunteer experience
Sample LinkedIn entry
  • Add a sentence about the pledge to your LinkedIn bio or the "About" page of your personal website!