In Australia Giving What We Can is operated by Effective Altruism Australia (ABN 87 608 863 467) and Effective Altruism Australia: Environment (ABN 57 659 447 417). Donations in Australia are tax deductible to the extent permitted by Australian tax laws.
Giving What We Can members can automatically track donations made with Giving What We Can to their pledge without needing to report them separately.
In Australia, organisations entitled to receive tax-deductible gifts are called deductible gift recipients (DGRs). You can only claim a tax deduction for gifts or donations to organisations that have DGR status.
The person who makes the gift (the donor) is the person who can claim a deduction.
For donors in Australia we recommend using Giving What We Can to donate to charities working in the field of global health and development.
In Australia Giving What We Can donations are operated by Effective Altruism Australia (ABN 87 608 863 467) a deductible gift recipient (DGR) charity registered in Australia with the ACNC.
They offer tax-deductible donations for many of our recommended charities in global health and development and work closely with our evaluation partner GiveWell to direct unallocated funding based on evidence and need.
Donate on the Australian donation platform page
If you'd like to donate to other recommended cause areas we'd recommend using either a donation swap or donating via the Giving What We Can international donation platform and foregoing the tax-deduction.
Donate via Giving What We Can and select USA or UK as the country.
Giving What We Can members can automatically track donations made via Giving What We Can to their pledge without needing to report them separately.