Frequently Asked Question

What is a "lifetime" member?


A 'lifetime' member of Giving What We Can is someone who has taken a long-term giving pledge without a specific end date. This currently includes the 🔸10% Pledge and the Further Pledge.

These pledges are considered ongoing commitments, though members can withdraw if circumstances change significantly (in which case they will no longer be listed as a "lifetime" member.)

The 10% and Further Pledges typically contain a phrase like "for the rest of my life or until the day I retire". (The specific phrasing has changed slightly over time and may vary based on the language in which it is written.) Members who took a pledge before retirement and have opted for the "until I retire" version of the pledge will continue to be listed as lifetime members after their retirement; in other words, even though their pledge is fulfilled, we still consider them members of Giving What We Can. For more information on pledging and retirement, see our FAQ about retirement.

Lifetime members are also eligible for our Pledge Pin.

Giving What We Can continues to list lifetime members on our members page even after their passing, indicated with "(d. YYYY)" unless otherwise requested by next of kin.

For more details on our pledge options, visit our pledge page.

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