Cade's Birthday Fundraiser
The Humane League (Corporate campaign programs)

Cade Mataya is raising money for The Humane League.






Cade's Birthday Fundraiser

I'm raising money for The Humane League, a non-profit organization that uses cost-effective methods to work towards the of abuse towards animals that are raised for food.

Their work mostly focuses on pushing for changes in corporate policy, advocating for legislation, and aiding individuals in making changes in their everyday lives. The Humane League is transparent in their methods, which have been successful in securing cage-free commitments from governments and companies on every continent (except Antarctica). Beyond this, the Humane League holds companies accountable to their commitments by following up and reporting on progress made towards accomplishing the goals set by the companies in question.

Animals of all kinds, not just dogs and cats, but also cows, pigs, chickens, fish, lambs, goats, and more, are worthy of respect and care. By supporting The Humane League, we can create a world that is better for these animals. I hope that you will consider learning more about the Humane League and supporting them in their mission of ending animal abuse in our world's agricultural system.

I will personally match donations up to $500!


Cade Mataya

Cade is a public policy researcher with a great concern for nonhuman animal welfare, particularly for those trapped in factory farms.

He believes in love and kindness for all animals, even cows, pigs, chickens and fish.

Raising for:

The Humane League (Corporate campaign programs)
The Humane League

Corporate Animal Welfare Campaigns

THL's corporate campaigns program promotes farmed animal welfare through industry pressure and advocacy