Darien's Yearly Fundraiser
GiveWell: Top Charities Fund
Global Health and Wellbeing Fund

Darien Kenner is raising money for Top Charities Fund and Global Health and Wellbeing Fund.






Darien's Yearly Fundraiser

Hello! I'm thrilled to kick off my third annual fundraiser for effective altruism, and I invite you to be part of this impactful journey. Over the past two years, with your incredible support, we've raised $1,400 for causes that truly matter.

This year, I am looking to donate more than $2,000 in this fundraiser alone and will be matching donations to help that happen! That means your contribution has the potential to have twice the impact.

Effective altruism is about making a meaningful difference with our resources. These charities have been through rigorous review to ensure that they make the most out of each dollar donated. This year, our donations will be split 50:50 between Givewell's "Top Charities Fund," supporting the highest-priority funding needs among the organization's top charities, and the "Global Health and Wellbeing Fund."

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey.


Darien Kenner

Just a kid in North Carolina trying to help

Raising for:

GiveWell: Top Charities Fund
Charity 1/2

Top Charities Fund

The Top Charities Fund seeks to improve global health and well-being by supporting the highest-priority funding needs among GiveWell's Top Charities, which are evidence-backed, high-impact, and highly cost-effective opportunities to save and improve the lives of people living in low- and lower-middle-income countries.

Global Health and Wellbeing Fund
Charity 2/2
Giving What We Can

Global Health and Wellbeing Fund

The Global Health and Wellbeing Fund directs funding to highly effective organisations working to improve human wellbeing. Currently, the research team consults with GiveWell when determining where to allocate funds. See this fund's past grant rounds.