Do You Have the Guts to Save a Life?
Malaria Consortium — Seasonal malaria chemoprevention programme

Beth and Dan Snyder are raising money for Malaria Consortium.






Do You Have the Guts to Save a Life?

I've got big news: I'm donating a kidney on August 23rd. I'm saving a life and you can too! Let's get those spare kidneys out! I'm kidding, just your wallets. Did you know you can save a life without going under the knife? Every $5k donated to effective charities like the Malaria Consortium saves a life, most often of a child under 5 who otherwise would have died of this preventable disease. I know you'd all run into a burning building to save a child, but you don't even have to! Donate to my fundraiser below. It will cheer me up while I recover, and all donations will be matched to double the impact! Let's save some lives, people.


Beth and Dan Snyder

Beth and Dan are a couple of armchair ethicists who get a kick out of living on the cheap to maximize their charitable impact. They are lucky to have found each other and are the proudest parents of two girls who are going to change the world.

Raising for:

Malaria Consortium — Seasonal malaria chemoprevention programme
Malaria Consortium

Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention

The Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention program protects children from malaria by distributing preventative medication at times of high transmission.