Eshita's birthday fundraiser
Malaria Consortium — Seasonal malaria chemoprevention programme
The Humane League (Corporate campaign programs)
Evidence Action: Deworm the World

Eshita Joshi is raising money for Malaria Consortium, The Humane League and Evidence Action.






Eshita's birthday fundraiser

Hey guys, to celebrate my birthday (as well as finishing my PhD!) I am starting a fundraiser!

This fundraiser will raise money for multiple causes: to protect vulnerable people from malaria, to fight against animal abuse, and to prevent child mortality by fighting preventable diseases in young kids living in poverty in India, Kenya, Nigeria, and Pakistan.

Your donations through this portal are tax deductible in the UK, US, and the Netherlands.

The money raised will be split equally into the following charities that have been recommended by charity evaluators due to their effectiveness:

1) Malaria Consortium. Fights malaria in high-risk regions, a preventable and treatable disease which threatens 3.2 billion people globally.

2) The Humane League. Exists to end the abuse of animals raised for food. 94% of all animals raised for food are on factory farms. This means that 130 billion farmed land animals suffer every day.

3) Deworm the World. Treats preventable (neglected tropical) diseases at a cost of around $0.50 per child. In 2022 alone, it helped treat 252 million children in India, Kenya, Nigeria, and Pakistan.


Eshita Joshi

Eshita has been donating at least 10% of her monthly income to charities since 2019 when she first started her PhD. This month she is celebrating her 27th birthday as well as finishing her doctoral studies. This fundraiser is held in celebration of these two events.

Raising for:

Malaria Consortium — Seasonal malaria chemoprevention programme
Charity 1/3
Malaria Consortium

Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention

The Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention program protects children from malaria by distributing preventative medication at times of high transmission.

The Humane League (Corporate campaign programs)
Charity 2/3
The Humane League

Corporate Animal Welfare Campaigns

THL's corporate campaigns program promotes farmed animal welfare through industry pressure and advocacy

Evidence Action: Deworm the World
Charity 3/3
Evidence Action

Deworm the World

Deworm the World prevents parasite related illnesses in children by collaborating with governments to run cost-effective deworming treatment programs.