Joris' 24th Birthday Fundraiser
Founders Pledge: Climate Change Fund
Global Health and Wellbeing Fund
Effective Animal Advocacy Fund

Joris is raising money for Climate Change Fund, Global Health and Wellbeing Fund and Effective Animal Advocacy Fund.






Joris' 24th Birthday Fundraiser

Heyo! I'm turning 24 on February 12, and want to make it a memorable birthday.

Last year, I was lucky to host an amazing party on my birthday (see the photo above!). This year, I'm hoping to do something awesome again.

Together with my lovely friends and family, I'm hoping to raise €1.000 for charity. As part of my Giving What We Can Pledge, I will be doubling all donations up to €1.000, so that together we can hopefully donate €2.000(!) to charity for my birthday.

There are many big and important problems in the world, so I'm hoping to split donations across three of the highest impact charitable funds:
- Climate Change Fund by Founders Pledge (30%)
- Global Health and Wellbeing Fund by Giving What We Can (30%)
- Effective Animal Advocacy Fund by Giving What We Can (40%)

These funds look for the charities within their cause area that do most good for every euro they receive. It'd mean a lot to collectively raise money for them. Please consider contributing! It would be an amazing birthday gift :)

Thanks a lot 🧡



Hey! I'm Joris, and I'm hoping to raise money for the highest impact charities for my birthday. Thank you for considering to donate, that means a lot!

Raising for:

Founders Pledge: Climate Change Fund
Charity 1/3
Founders Pledge

Climate Change Fund

The Climate Change Fund aims to address climate change by supporting highly impactful, evidence-based solutions to the “triple challenge” of carbon emissions, air pollution, and energy poverty.

Global Health and Wellbeing Fund
Charity 2/3
Giving What We Can

Global Health and Wellbeing Fund

The Global Health and Wellbeing Fund directs funding to highly effective organisations working to improve human wellbeing. Currently, the research team consults with GiveWell when determining where to allocate funds. See this fund's past grant rounds.

Effective Animal Advocacy Fund
Charity 3/3
Giving What We Can

Effective Animal Advocacy Fund

The Effective Animal Advocacy Fund directs funding to highly effective organisations working to improve animal welfare. Currently, the research team plans to allocate half of this fund to the Animal Welfare Fund (EA Funds) and half to The Humane League’s corporate campaign work. See this fund's past grant rounds.