Will & JP are raising money for Malaria Consortium, Good Food Institute and 80,000 Hours.
$10,000 goal
Days left
Thank you for sharing in our desire to make the world a better place! To help celebrate our wedding, this fundraiser aims to raise money for some of the world's most effective charities, tackling some of the world's most important problems. We appreciate anything you choose to give, no matter the size.
For this fundraiser, we've chosen to raise money for the following charities. Please feel free to pick your own allocation if you prefer it to our default split!
-Malaria Consortium: Malaria is one of the world's deadliest diseases, killing over 600,000 people a year. A GiveWell top charity, Malaria Consortium provides cheap antimalarial drugs to save children's lives in low-income areas. GiveWell estimates that donations to Malaria Consortium saves lives at an average rate of about $5,000 per life saved.
-Good Food Institute: GFI is an international nonprofit working to accelerate progress in and adoption of alternative proteins. We think this is among the most effective ways to reduce the horrendous suffering experienced by factory-farmed animals across the globe.
- 80,000 Hours: We both believe 80,000 Hours is the world's best resource for high-impact career advice. Their online resources, career advising, job board, and other resources have been hugely impactful in helping ambitious people do good effectively with their careers.
Giving effectively has been an important part of both of our lives for many years now. We’re both incredibly privileged and want to give back and make the world a better and safer place. We’ve both pledged to give 10% of our income to effective charities, and would like to put our wedding gifts towards the same effective causes. We’d love to make our wedding an occasion to make a real difference to causes we care deeply about.
Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention
The Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention program protects children from malaria by distributing preventative medication at times of high transmission.
Alternative Protein Field Building
The Good Food Institute accelerates the transition of the world’s food system toward alternative proteins by developing and promoting plant- and cell-based alternatives to animal products.
High-Impact Careers Support
80,000 Hours facilitates high-impact careers by providing research and support to help people switch into careers that effectively tackle the world's most pressing problems.
Will & JP are raising money for Malaria Consortium, Good Food Institute and 80,000 Hours.
$10,000 goal
Days left