The New York Times recently published a fantastic, yet heartbreaking piece titled Musk Said No One Has Died Since Aid Was Cut. That Isn’t True. and I’d highly recommend you read it.
I think it really cuts to the core of how devastating the impacts of the foreign development cuts are – right now, and worsening each day.
Source: New York Times
Peter Donne, a 10-year-old infected with HIV from his mother during childbirth, died in late February because he couldn’t get his medicine after the PEPFAR outreach program ended.
Achol Deng, age 8, was also kept alive because of US assistance with HIV prevention and treatment. In January, she lost the ID card that enabled her to get medicines and couldn’t get a new one. She’s now deceased.
“You never forget the sight of children starving to death,” writes Nicholas Kristof, who wrote the piece after nine days in East Africa, where he met with some of the people and villages who are directly affected.
Along with Peter & Achol’s story, he tells so many others — a 35-year-old single mom and her 5-year-old son, a 2-year-old crying from hunger and getting only water in response, an 18-year-old soon-to-be-mom who no longer has a clinic where she can give birth.
I know we often focus on data and numbers at Giving What We Can. I’m repeating these stories here because they help us understand what the numbers mean.
In his article, Kristof estimates how many others will end up with stories similar to Peter, Alcohol, and all those who have so far died from the withdrawal of aid. While the estimates are rough and don’t factor in other countries & organisations stepping up to fill some of the gaps, the total was over 3 million.
If you want to give effectively to help soften the impacts of these aid cuts, here’s what we recommend:
Here's some more information about how we think about where to donate given the crisis.
With gratitude,
Grace Adams & the Giving What We Can Team
Here are some of our favourite responses from people who took a pledge last month:
Wednesday, 2nd April, 6–8 pm GMT at 52 Old Castle Street, London
Join Chris and Emma for an evening of pledge stories and connecting with the effective giving community. Please register here!
Sunday, 6th April, 10.30 am GMT onward at 34-35 Hatton Garden, London
Join Gemma for a self-directed coworking session, with the opportunity to chat about personal finance and donations. Past sessions have provided a space to work on EA side projects; applying for jobs, conferences, grants or programs; reviewing donations; goal setting and life/career planning. The day will consist of Pomodoro working sessions and breaks to chat, followed by a social at a nearby pub from 5.30 pm. Please RSVP here!
We loved reading this thread by 10% Pledger Shakeel about what a powerful time of year it is for him to make his annual donations. This year, he has directed all of his donations to GiveWell. Since taking the pledge in 2022, based on GiveWell’s estimates, he has donated enough to save around 8 lives.
It’s always a joy to see our community sharing stories about what pledging means to them and spreading the word about effective giving. We are stronger together!
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