Leadership Transition at Giving What We Can: A Message from the Board

2 min read
10 Sept 2024

Dear Giving What We Can community,

We are writing to share important news about the leadership of Giving What We Can.

Luke Freeman has decided to step down from his role as global CEO, effective October 3rd, 2024. He explains and provides context for this decision in his letter to the community.

We’re incredibly grateful to Luke for four years of dedicated service. He is an energetic, committed, and visionary leader who oversaw tremendous growth in the reach of the Pledge, and of the organization as a whole. He has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership, judgment and kindness to the GWWC team, the GWWC members, the effective giving community, and to all of us. We wish him well and look forward to continuing to work with him in the community.

To ensure a smooth transition, Sjir Hoeijmakers has stepped in to serve as Interim CEO until a permanent global CEO is appointed. Sjir has been with GWWC for several years and very capably stepped in as Acting CEO during Luke’s recent parental leave. We are confident in his ability to ensure Giving What We Can continues to grow and thrive during this period of transition.

We have already initiated the search process for the new CEO to lead the organization into its next phase of growth and impact. We are seeking an exceptional leader who is passionate about effective giving and can build upon the foundation laid over the past years. The job description and application process can be found here.

We are deeply appreciative of the significant impact Luke’s leadership has had on our organization, and we're excited about the future and the opportunity to further expand our impact under new leadership. For any questions or concerns about the transition, please contact ceo-search@givingwhatwecan.org.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to making the world a better place through effective giving.


The Directors and Trustees of Giving What We Can